leyla bulatova
Graphic design, rebranding
Selvarey x Bruno Mars
Award-winning musician, Bruno Mars has another card to pull out of his sleeve: Panamanian White Rum SelvaRey. I was asked to refresh the brand image for a T-shirt design to be worn at special event/launch. I was also asked to create marketing materials such as steap-and-repeat, tent graphics and designs for limited edition shoot glasses, which where a part of influencer program (gifts)
Inspiration: Selvarey brand aesthetics, Bruno Mars's 24 k magic visuals ( "versace on the floor"), 80s, Jamaca, tropicals
Hand Lettering options
Special Edition Shot Glasses
As a part of Selvarey influencer program, a gift kit with shot glasses was created.
Step and repeat
Selvarey was a part of 24k Magic World Tour 2017 VIP experience.This step and repeat travels with Bruno throughout the tour